Strange and fey are the Sylvaneth, children of the life goddess Alarielle. These forest spirits have long dwelt in the woods of the Mortal Realms, protecting places of power from malign trespassers and the warping touch of Chaos. As the effects of the Everqueen’s Rite of Life are felt across the cosmos, the Sylvaneth find themselves once more on the offensive. With vital sorcery, enchanted blade, and oaken talon, they will ensure that the power of their goddess’s great ritual takes hold across all lands.
This book contains everything you need to know to lead Alarielle's verdant children to victory in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and discover their place in the Mortal Realms. Learn the long history of these immortal guardians of Ghyran, explore the complex ecosystem that governs the forest folk, and meet the mysterious glades that wage war in the name of Life itself.